The SAT® is the most widely administered college admissions test in the United States, and, as such, it's also the most popular one to prep for. While there are no surefire ways to ensure you'll ace this test and get into the school of your choice, there are plenty of ways to up your chances of scoring well on it, such as finding a great tutor and taking practice tests before you take it the first time. This guide will walk you through how to get a perfect score on the SAT, so that you can put your best foot forward on this important test.
7 Steps to Prepare
- Test prep. It is important to get good preparation for the test. There are many books and online resources that can help you with this process.
- Learn vocabulary words. This is one of the most important parts of preparing for the test. One thing you can do is make flashcards with all of your words and study them often so that you know them well enough not only to use them in sentences but also recognize their definitions when reading about them.
- Take practice tests. The best way to prepare for a standardized test like the SAT is to take practice tests. These will provide information about what areas need more work or may be lacking altogether.
- Study math concepts and question types. Math concepts are an integral part of any exam, especially the SAT, so it's important that you review these in detail as much as possible before taking the exam. For instance, knowing how to solve different types of word problems is essential.
- English language portion. You should also go through the English language portion of the exam and learn common grammar rules such as subject-verb agreement and verb tense.
- Review the layout of the test. Finally, you'll want to make sure that you're familiar with the layout of the test by reviewing the different sections.
- Once everything is reviewed and done, rest up! A full night's sleep before an exam will ensure you're at your best.
Understand What is Being Tested
The SAT is composed of three sections: reading, math, and writing. While some students may be more naturally gifted in one area than others, they will most likely need to brush up on all three sections in order to get the score they are looking for. The reading section is made up of 65 questions and you will have 75 minutes allotted for this section. The math section has 60 questions and you are given 75 minutes to complete this portion of the exam. The third and final section is writing which contains 40 questions, but only 35 minutes. It is important to note that if you finish either of the first two sections before time runs out then your remaining time will go towards finishing up with the last part. Students should also understand how the scoring system works. In order to achieve a perfect 1600 points, you must receive a 600 in each subject (reading, math, and writing). You also can receive an 800 on any individual test; however it takes much more work to earn this score as opposed to scoring 600s across the board.
Learn the Basics
The SAT is an important standardized test for college admissions. A perfect score will get you into any school of your choice and save you from having to retake it later. While it may seem like a daunting task, getting that perfect score is possible with some good preparation. There are many ways to prepare for the SAT, but one way that has been proven successful is taking some practice tests in advance. They can help you understand what sections of the exam you're strong in so you know where to focus your time when preparing.
Practice, Practice, Practice
The best way to prepare for the SAT is by practicing. Pathiva.com offers practice tests and study guides, but if you don't have time for that, there are plenty of resources online. Make sure you're aware of deadlines and keep up with your homework so it doesn't interfere with your test-taking abilities!
Don't Stress Out!
The first thing you need to do is not worry. Yes, you'll be under a lot of pressure and it can be nerve-wracking, but that's just the nature of taking any standardized test. And yes, there will be times when you're frustrated and think why did I ever sign up for this?! But don't stress out! You have what it takes to get your perfect score. So if you're struggling with a particular question or two, skip them for now and go back later. Trust me, the more relaxed and confident you are during the test, the better your score will be. Just remember: relax and stay confident throughout the entire exam!